Random moments from a recent day…
- Switching lanes to avoid a donkey meandering across the road
- Spying the Engineer amongst all the forth grade “monkeys” swinging from the trees and ropes in front of their classroom, their infectious giggles floating all the way to my little office
- Listening to a second grader struggle as he read and strategizing about the best way to help him
- Watching the Monkey play with friends from around the world as I supervised their recess time
- Writing an email about the English needs of one of the local Bible translators we work with, who is preparing to attend translation coursework in Nairobi
- Getting beaten at Phonogram Go Fish by a fourth grade ESL student, who is finally starting to hear the difference between the “i” sound of pick and the “ee” sound of peek
- Hearing the seventh grade girls I work with tell me all about the sheep’s heart they had to dissect for science class today
- Replying to a colleague about an assignment I gave to some translators who are studying English from their remote village locations
- Laughing with my friend as we car-pooled back home after our day at Bingham
- Snatching my shoes back from the Engineer, whose foot is now exactly the same size as my own
- Sitting outside with Mr. Rikshaw and the kids and savoring injera b’wat (yummy local food)